How To Desalinate Water for Your Survival

In survival situations, clean water is vital. Unfortunately, in many cases, clean water is hard to come by. One way to get around this obstacle is to learn how to desalinate water for survival. Desalination is the process of removing salt and other minerals from saline water. In this blog post, we will discuss the different methods that you can use to desalinate water and provide you with some tips on how to do it effectively!

Why Do You Need to Desalinate Water?

If you are stranded in a remote area or if a natural disaster has left your area without fresh drinking water, learning how to desalinate seawater may be a life-saving skill. Saltwater contains high sodium and chloride ions, which can negatively affect the human body. These include dehydration and electrolyte imbalances that may lead to heart failure or death if left untreated.

The Power of Heat

Boiling is the most common way to desalinate water survival. When water is boiled, the salt and other minerals are vaporized and carried away from the liquid. This method is effective, but it can be time-consuming and uses a lot of fuel.

Boiling can be challenging if you are not skilled in starting fires or don’t have a reliable fuel source. Even though it’s highly effective, boiling is not the only way to desalinate water.

You might also find interesting our article about how to get water from trees.

The Sun Can Help!

Another method for desalinating water is through the use of a solar still. A solar still uses the power of gravity and sunlight to distill water. To make a solar still, you will need a container, something to act as a lid, and some sort of absorbent material (like soil or sand). The container should be filled with salt water, and the porous material should be placed in the center.

The lid should then be placed on top, and the whole thing should be set in direct sunlight. As the sun’s rays hit the still, they will heat the liquid inside. This heat will cause the water to evaporate, and the vapor will rise and collect on the underside of the lid. Eventually, the steam will turn back into liquid water, drip down, and gather in the container.

This method is not as efficient as boiling, but it does not require any fuel or special skills. It can also be used to distill fresh water from plants and other sources in addition to saltwater.

The Importance of Filters

You can also use a filter to desalinate water. A filter will remove small particles like dirt or viruses, but it will not remove large molecules like salt or potassium chloride survival. Therefore, you may need a combination of several filters if you are working with highly salty water.

If you have access to a filter, it is a good idea to use it in conjunction with another desalination method. This will help to ensure that you are getting the cleanest and safe drinking water possible.

Gravity Method

The gravity method is a simple way to desalinate water that does not require special equipment or skills. To use the gravity method, you will need two containers and some sort of tubing. The first container should be filled with salt water, and the second should be placed above it.

The tubing should then be attached to the two containers so that the water can flow freely between them. The container on the bottom will act as a reservoir, and the container on top will be used to collect the purified water.

This method is not as efficient as some of the other techniques described here, but it is a good option if you have limited resources in a survival situation.

Additional Way to Make Water Safer After Distillation

You can find purification tablets everywhere, including the drugstore. They’re small and cheap with an efficient dosage that will get your water tasting fresh again in no time!

The only problem might be finding them when a disaster hits, so purchase several packs at once if possible or keep some around just for emergencies because they do come through when it counts most.

We also recommend reading our article about finding water in the wilderness.

Time is Against You

No matter which method of desalination you choose, time is always a critical factor. So drink your water as soon as possible as dehydration is a serious survival issue.

The Importance of Storing Water

Even if you have access to a clean water source, it is still important to store water for survival. The human body can survive for a long time without food, but water is essential for hydration and other things like hygiene and even cooking food.

It is recommended that you store at least one gallon of water per person each day. In addition, it would be best to consider keeping additional water for any pets or livestock that you have on hand.

Water storage containers can be stored in an emergency survival kit and are also a good idea for keeping in your home.


How long can you survive without water?

The human body is about 70% water. Without access to clean drinking water, the average person will only survive for three days or so before they succumb to dehydration.

Why is it important to have clean water?

Without access to pure drinking water, many health issues can arise. These include high blood pressure, kidney disease, and even death.

What to do if you have drunk dirty water?

If you have drank dirty water, it is crucial to drink plenty of clean water as soon as possible. You may also need to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any symptoms of dehydration.


If you are ever in a situation where access to clean drinking water is scarce, you must know how to desalinate it yourself. Desalinating your water can be done by boiling the saltwater or using an electrodialysis system for better results. The most important thing about this process is to boil away all of the dissolved salts from the seawater before turning it into potable water. Doing so will kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms found in seawater, making people sick if consumed untreated.

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